(a) If you wish to cancel your order, please contact Legenda’s customer services. As Legenda tries to process orders immediately it may not always be possible to prevent an order from being dispatched.
(b) If you are not satisfied with the quality of the Product you have purchased, please contact our customer service team and they will be delighted to assist you replacing the product.
(c) If you receive an incorrect product, please notify our customer services team, and they will immediately send you the correct product.
(d) Please note that once Legenda has dispatched products to you, you will not be able to cancel the provision of any additional services carried out by Legenda at your request (e.g. gift wrapping). As soon as Legenda receives notice of your cancellation of a product, Legenda will refund the relevant part of the purchase price for that product.
(e) Where Legenda agrees that the products can be returned, and in case you paid for your products with credit card for the value of the Products will be applied to the same credit card within 20 business days; if you paid for your products with cash on delivery, you will need to visit a Legenda bookstore to have your refund processed.
(f) Legenda reserves the right to refuse to provide a refund for any products in circumstances where it is clear that the goods have been used (such as, without limitation, having their packaging tampered with or no longer being in original packaging) or where such a refund would be prohibited by law or regulation in any country that could be held to have jurisdiction over that refund.
(g) All pre-order transactions done online or in store are not eligible for exchange or refund.
(h) Legenda reserves the right to limit selected promotional orders to a maximum of 2 units per order
(i) Books can be exchanged within 3 days of purchase date, if book remain in brand new condition and accompanied with its original receipt or order confirmation email.
(j) If you would like to exchange a product, you will need to visit a Legenda bookstore branch to have you exchange processed.
(k) Products on sale or discount cannot be refunded or exchanged.
(l) Legenda Gift Vouchers expiration date is 5 months of issuance date.